Obukhovsky road 2, 2, Khodosivka Village, Kyiv Region

Easter Fair in the outlet town "Manufactura"

Easter is approaching, which means it's time to prepare your holiday baskets.
April 27
The central alley of the outlet town "Manufactura"
It will be tasty, fun, sincere and spring-like!

- Artistic products of craftsmen to create a festive Easter atmosphere, craft products for the table;
- spring dances, games and fun;
- learning about ancient Ukrainian traditions;
- performances by ethnic bands "Budymyr" and "YasnoKrasno";
- The special guest of the fair is the folklore group "Kralytsia";
- an exhibition of paintings by young artists of the "Svitlytsia" Creative Workshop;
- performance by children of the "Svitlytsia" club;
- master classes for children and adults: Easter egg making, painting Easter gingerbread, embossing Easter towels, willow bouquets, pottery;
- Food zone.

And most importantly: 

The fair participants can join the charity event in support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces "Birds of Victory" so that our defenders can have Easter goodies!

Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00
Obukhovskoye Highway 2, House 2, Khodoseevka Village, Kiev Region
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00


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