Obukhovsky road 2, 2, Khodosivka Village, Kyiv Region

Alter Ego

Change the style, image, habits, surprise yourself and others, and shine with new faces ... Now these wishes are made in the stores "Alter Ego Donna" and "Alter Ego Uomo", which opened in the outlet-town "Manufaktura". New stores represent women's and men's clothing, accessories, shoes from famous boutiques of Kharkiv and the Dnipro: Emporio Armani, Dnipro and Kharkiv, 86SumskayaEgle, Alter Ego, Christi, Daniel, Escada ( Kharkiv), "Alter Ego perfect", "Alter Ego Dnepr "(Dnipro), integrated into one network - MainStream Fashion Group. In the English translation main stream means "mainstream". MainStream Fashion Group embodies the main trends and trends. It is a unique network of multibenders and monobits, each of which has its own concept, philosophy and character.

In the Alter Ego Donna and Alter Ego Uomo stores, you can pick up any piece of wardrobe and any accessory from top dresses to shoes and tie from Salvatore Ferragamo, Jil Sander, Alberta Ferretti, Michael Kors, Larusmiani, Armani Collezioni, Corneliani, Zilli. This is an incomplete list of our brands that will bring you real satisfaction from its quality and price.

For more information, please visit our website https://msfashion.com.ua/ and follow our news at the addresses:



Your unique style is our great selection of collections, impeccable service and comprehensive attention to your needs!

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  • +38 095 511 16 09
  • БУТИК 89
  • https://msfashion.com.ua/
Пн-Вс с 11:00 до 20:00
Obukhovskoye Highway 2, House 2, Khodoseevka Village, Kiev Region
Пн-Вс с 11:00 до 20:00


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