Obukhovsky road 2, 2, Khodosivka Village, Kyiv Region


The successful story of the famous footwear company Baldinini started in 1910 as a small manufacture in the town of San Mauro by a shoemaker Baldinini. Italian people were so pleased with the Baldinini’s shoes that soon little shoemaker’s manufacture turned into the large enterprise. Today company Baldinini became a real Empire that is well known and appreciated all over the world. Like a hundred years ago, all Italian Baldinini shoes are hand-made. Of course, the fact that the Baldinini brand became a synonymous of beautiful and safe footwear in many countries convinces us that there is a reasonable balance between design and practicality of these shoes. Another proof of the family business success is that many famous fashion houses bought the design and manufacture of footwear in the Baldinini Company. Baldinini is the expression of the emotions, the game of contrasts in color, fabric, design, maximum comfort and glamour. The brand is presented with men shoes models as well as a line of leather clothing and leather accessories.

Посмотреть карту

  • +380 (44) 200 97 51
  • БУТИК 39
  • www.baldinini.it
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00
Obukhovskoye Highway 2, House 2, Khodoseevka Village, Kiev Region
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00


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