Obukhovsky road 2, 2, Khodosivka Village, Kyiv Region

Daniel kids boutique

Daniel Kid's Luxury - the world of children's luxury, fashion and accessories from famous fashion brands.
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The concept of Kid's Luxury, "children's luxury", form a high children's fashion,
cultivated in the cult, and at the same time freedom to remain a child,
available in a network of Daniel boutiques.
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In 2009, Daniel's boutique chain changed its visual style. New
logo, deliberately for children, and a series of posters for outdoor advertising and fashion magazines were created to emphasize the importance of children's
fashion, cult of Kid's Luxury.
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In 2016, the style of Daniel once again got a new life, becoming more easy and
air, keeping children's spontaneity.

Посмотреть карту

  • +380 (67) 501 51 60
  • БУТИК 42
  • www.daniel.com.ua
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00
Obukhovskoye Highway 2, House 2, Khodoseevka Village, Kiev Region
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00


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