Obukhovsky road 2, 2, Khodosivka Village, Kyiv Region


The boutique-studio Lalelu by Elena Bilyaeva offers exclusive and individual tailoring of clothes made of silk, linen, tweed, cotton, wool, leather, jacquard; limited clothing available without repeats or in limited quantities from original fabrics and patterns, such brands as Ulyana Sergeenko, Pierre Cardin, Gucci, Lanvin, Bottega Veneta, Versace, Dior and others. 
The boutique is constantly offering attractive discounts for the last season! 
Instagram: @atelier_lalelu

Посмотреть карту

  • +38 068 030 31 31
  • Бутик 83
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00
Obukhovskoye Highway 2, House 2, Khodoseevka Village, Kiev Region
Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00


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