Celebrate a real Ukrainian Christmas in the Manufactory outlet town
December 16
11:00 – 17:00
We have prepared for you a unique program that will allow you to experience a real fair atmosphere with the taste and aroma of Christmas.
You will get acquainted with the traditions and customs of our ancestors, learn interesting facts about celebrating Christmas in Ukraine.
Grandfathers, spiders, carol stars, straw and Christmas tree decorations, New Year's wreaths...
Colorful, bright, fragrant, delicious goods from craftsmen and generous owners for our fairs.
Interesting master classes for children and adults: Christmas tree decorations, Christmas spider, gingerbread painting, fairy-tale masks, New Year's card, Christmas tree decor, pottery, chimera weaving.
Well-mannered and obedient children will meet St. Nicholas at the fair and receive gifts.
Exhibition of children's works "A Christmas Tale" of the painting studio of the Creative Workshop "Svitlitsa"
Exhibition and sale “Everything for Victory”
Together with the folk studio “YasnoKrasno” and the ethnic group “Kralitsa” we will carol, sing and have fun. After all, what would Ukrainian Christmas be without a nativity scene, carols, dancing and folk entertainment?
Our hostesses will treat all guests of the event to delicious Christmas cake and Christmas crumpets.
Part of the collected funds will be directed to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Join our fair to create Christmas and bring Victory closer together!
Obukhovskoe highway 2, village. Khodosovka, outlet town "Manufactura"
The entrance is free!
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:00 to 20:00
Obukhovskoye Highway 2, House 2, Khodoseevka Village, Kiev Region